Reading 05

Since I lived a pretty active lifestyle as a kid, I really enjoyed the interactive games. One of my favorite games to play was DDR in the arcade at the movie theater and then we eventually got the plastic mat version to play in home because my parents enjoyed playing it too. It was a game that I could enjoy as a teen and my parents could find value in as 50+ year old adults. Because of this favor for active games, we got a wii as soon as it came out and I loved playing wii tennis and am still sad that I lost the original disk and could never find it. I like that I am forced to move my body, sometimes in ways that are repetitive but other time not, because I can't really completely disengage my mind when doing it so I don't get bored as easily. I lose interest in playing most games because twiddling my thumbs doesn't do anything for me. Yeah graphics on a 4k monitor are cool but so is the outdoors, so there has to be some added value other than fantasy. Virtual reality is a really cool concept to me because it forces the full interaction of the body with the game. I played with a display set of the Oculus Rift and liked having full control of the character movement and being able to really see from the perspective of the character. Playing sports games with this would be something I would want to try, just so I can get a taste of what it would be like to be a QB in the NFL by playing Madden on expert. 


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